I’m often asked “What is art therapy?”  I think the best way to explain it is that it is a picture in time and a visual representation of who we are at any given moment.  It can range from a scribble to an oil painting.  There is no requirement of art experience needed to benefit from using art for self-expression, exploration of your life process/plan or memorializing your loved one.  Through simple directives, you can use the basics elements of art – color, shape, size and image to encapsulate what you mentally picture in your mind.  Creating this kind of art is an effective way of creating and re-creating how we envision our lives. Memorial art work is a visual reminder of importance of your loved one. In my work as a grief counselor, I’ve developed a process called Tapestry of Honor. It is a beautiful way to memorialize your loved one, integrating the essence of your loved one and your relationship with them into a visual and emotional celebration. From a client centered approach, I understand the importance of connecting with you where you are on your path in each session and help keep you focused on adjusting and moving toward your future, building a new normal for you. I look forward to being your companion through this very important process.